If your business supplies products to consumers you need to make sure the products are safe.
The heaviest responsibility is with the producers, the manufacturers of a product. However, distributors including importers and wholesalers also have legal responsibilities. Failing to meet your responsibilities can have very serious consequences.
Legal actions, fines, and even imprisonment can follow – you could also be sued by anyone who has been injured.
Ignorance is not a defence, you can be sued by anyone your product harms-even if you sold the product to someone else.
Recent changes in the UK legal system make it easier for people to take action if they are injured or suffer loss. Solicitors actively encourage claims through no win-no fee advertising.
As a result these changes have been partly responsible for a significant rise in the number of claims being made against companies.
PIA Commercial have for many years specialised in arranging Products Liability Insurance, including Guarantee and Recall which will protect against the costs involved in removing products from the marketplace, and compensating the producer for the cost of replacing or making good the defective product.